After some delays due to various real life stuff, the crew of the USS Tiberius finally met this past Saturday to conclude our story. When we last left the crew, they had just finished helping Assessor Tredik repair the control center on the Candidate III planet when 2 Romulan shuttles flew overhead.
On the bridge of the Tiberius, Commander MacKenzie was notified of the impending shuttle arrival and the trouble it means for the away team. Back planet-side, the crew grab some artifacts and made for the Tiberius, dodging debris that was falling from the sky. However, the Romulans were waiting for an ambush, and a fierce fire-fight ensued! Security Officer Hawk fell in combat twice, but the steady hand of Dr. Jerrynn was able to help revive him. Lt. Commander Foxwell also suffered an injury during the fight but was patched up by Dr. Jerrynn as well. In total, 9 Romulans advanced on the away team, but all 9 were defeated in the end!
While the away team fought off the Romulans, the Tiberius received the final log entry from the USS Venture. In it, the Captain detailed the bravery of his senior staff as they refused to abandon their posts after the Captain ordered "abandon ship". It was their final sacrifice that allowed the Mogami and the Tiberius to have enough time to complete their missions.
With the Romulans dispatched on the surface, Commander MacKenzie fired upon the 2 Romulan shuttles to ensure they wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.
As the away team returned to the shuttle, a flash of light occurred, with many wondrous eddies appearing everywhere. Then, Ash Tamalia appeared to each of them and asked for the crew's help to return the displaced Tilikaal back to their bodies. She reached out her hand to each one, ship included.
The decision was made to accept her help. With a smile on her face, Ash pulled the entire ship into the unknown.
Fade to black.
This concludes my crew's run through of the (TNG) Living Campaign! We had a blast doing it! But it was a bitter sweet ending as we all say goodbye to our characters. Maybe, one day in the future, they will return.
But for now, we are drawing up new characters and await our new orders! Tune in later this fall as the crew of the yet-to-be-named ship seeks out new life and new civilizations, and boldly goes where no one has gone before!
I thank you for reading our adventures! Feel free to reach out to me for any questions you may have if you are running the Living Campaign. And stay tuned for the next chapter of my group!
Live long and prosper!